Our Team

We are a family that looks after each other, and works with a common goal to improve products, processes, equipment and work environment.

We have a lady who has a mute, deaf and nearly blind son. Almost 20 years ago, we arranged a school bus to bring the boy to our factory after school, where a room was set up for him to play, sleep or whatever, while the mother could work and make a living. The boy is now grown up. The mother is in charge of our Food Service activity for nearly 20 years!


Catering kitchen staff listening to the Governor speak.

PA Governor Tom Wolf visits Jyot's plant

Another young woman with us for 15 years had two little children, and a husband in jail, where he was frequently for abusing her. Her elder daughter is now a senior in High school and writes published poetry, and blogs for Google, the younger one is not far behind.
She has her own apartment and car and is protected from the abusive, drunkard husband. She is a group leader now.

For years, we generally drove our team members home after work, and always did so on cold or snowy days or when working late. Today so many of them have their own cars and own homes that they carpool. When one member has to work late, the car pool waits! Several team members have obtained ‘green cards’ on our sponsorship. We have seven married couple in our team who work separately but eat together.

Our mechanics routinely go and fix mechanical, electrical and plumbing problems at fellow team member’s homes. They feel good doing so and get fed well!


Centerpiece Column in the world famous “Sculptor Garden”, Oslo, Norway.